Korallen Zucht

Amino Acid Concentrate Fish 50ml

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  • Regular price $60.00

  • Supports recovery after any illness, improves immune response, reduces susceptibility to illness.
  • Replenishes any amino acids that fish are unable to produce in sufficient quantity.
  • Increases overall survivability rate of juvenile fish while promoting much better coloration and growth.
  • Encourages better coloration in adult fish. Malnutrition is more readily compensated for.

Dry food (Pellets): Completely soak food product in water and amino acids.
Frozen food: Mix the food with Aminoacid Concentrate Fish and mix thoroughly.

Juvenile fish up to 10 weeks: Add 1 drop per 10g of food daily.
3 Months and older: 1 drop per 10g of food 1-2 times weekly.